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Buttermilk Pancakes Recipe

  • Author: Rose
  • Total Time: 20 minutes


These buttermilk pancakes are fluffy and delicious and easy to make! So easy my kids make them!


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  1. First, add all the liquid ingredients to a large mixing bowl, then use a hand mixer to mix until well combined (about one minute on high). Sift together the dry ingredients and add the dry to the wet - mix until the batter is smooth! It will be thick, but that's okay {as mentioned above, if it's really too thick, add small amounts of milk and mix again until you get a good consistency}
  2. Ladle the batter onto a hot griddle (I set mine to 350°), flipping when the edges start to bubble. I can't tell you how many it'll make - that depends on how big or small you make them, but this recipe makes enough pancakes for our family of 8 and we usually have leftovers! The keep great in the frig for a day or two or can be frozen to use later (which is obviously what we'll be doing this week).
  3. *If I don't have buttermilk on hand, I use soured milk OR I take 3 cups of regular milk (2% or whole), take out 3 tablespoons of milk and add in 3 tablespoons of white vinegar or lemon juice. If you let it sit for just a couple of minutes, it will curdle and work just like buttermilk in the recipe.
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 10 mins
  • Category: Breakfast
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